Monday 26 December 2016

Illinois Institute of Technology

Why are you interested in Illinois Institute of Technology? (250 words or less)

Sir Frank Wakely Gunsaulus's salutary $1 million has transformed innumerable lives that might also include mine in the near future! The thirst for elitist education and to study in a versatile fusion cultural heritage, representing 100 countries, fraught with legions of opportunities and co-curricular activities compelled me to shortlist this godsend college. The five campuses have mesmerized me. Their motley of infrastructures, ranging from rigorous academics though art and music to sports, holistically nurtures the students to become multi-talented, sagacious citizens worthy of a being a part of the global community. The student-to-faculty ratio of 10:1 and average class size of 10-40 students will provide a customized learning experience and aid me whenever I find myself stuck in a quagmire; be it academics, self-lead research or a personal-emotional one. Finance being a major concern I chose IIT as 95% of IITians receive some merit based assistance. Since about 200 companies have participated in job fairs over the last few years and several internships programs are available to the students, I find IIT a perfect fit during and after my undergraduate studies. The world class faculty members and top-notch research centers have paralyzed my attention. At IIT I find incentives to fuel both my professional and the beyond-professional life. The Edge-cutting rank of IIT will ascertain that I study with the nonpareil. The odds to simultaneously enclose a feather in one's cap and to possess a cherry on one's cake are one-in-a-million which I'm glad to have at IIT!

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