Monday 26 December 2016

Colorado College

How did you learn about Colorado College and why do you wish to attend? (no more than 500 words)

The very unquenchable thirst for elitist education and the insatiable craving to be in a versatile fusion of a sundry cultural heritage fraught with legions of opportunities and an ideal blend of academics and co-curricular activities compelled me to ransack and exploit every single resource at my disposal to find an all-encompassing godsend college that not only fulfills but also outmaneuvers my hankerings. 

The director of my school has recommended that I should strongly consider attending Colorado College.

Sir Thomas Nelson Haskell's 90-acre lush green campus has taken me unawares! The spots of my interest include Tutt Library, Olin Hall of Science and the Barnes Science Center, El Pomar Sports Center, and the Packard Hall of Music and Art. This motley of infrastructures, ranging from rigorous academics though art and music to sports, holistically nurtures the students to become multi-talented, sagacious citizens of a global community. 

Literature has taught me that lopsided individuals turn out to be utter failures in their personal and inter-personal lives. Colorado College with its plethora of activities aims at building a single impeccable personality stuffed with the noblest of the quintessence that has ever strode on the face of this earth. De-Bonos, Einsteins, Beethovens, Lionel Messis, Mother Teresas, Christs, and the list could go on unto ad-infinitum! I would not like to be a hacker or a hard-core programmer who's all day long captivated by his esoteric codes and bizarre business. Along with my vocational life I want to mete out justice to my personal, social and spiritual life. I also want to be an active citizen who forks reforms of all kinds in the world around in lieu of the aid I've incessantly received from 'unknowable sources'! At Colorado I find incentives to fuel both my professional and the beyond-professional life.

The student to faculty ratio of 10:1 implies that I'll never have to suffer and wade my way all alone through my research work (of the curriculum and beyond) or through personal-emotional conflicts for there will always be someone to help me out from the morasses. The peanut-sized classes of about 25 students provide an individualized learning experience. The edge-cutting acceptance rates of 17-18% has also imparted buttress to my belief that I'll get a chance to study with the best students across the globe. I'm also intrigued by the Block-Plan provided by Colorado and am eager to build and execute the student led plan as I find it to be beneficial in the acquisition of knowledge.

The odds to simultaneously enclose a feather in one's cap and to possess a cherry on one's cake are one-in-a-million which I'm glad to have at Colorado College!

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